​​​​​​​​Garriott Family Genealogy

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05-Ambrose Asbury Garriott
Birth: 25 Feb 1816, Kentucky or Indiana
Home: Wash Co, IN
Death: 31 Jul 1894, Harristown, Wash Co, IN- age 78
Burial: Canton Cemetery
Occupation: Farmer and United Brethren Minister
Father: William G Garriott

Marriage: 29 Dec 1836, Wash Co, IN: Bk C/70
Spouse: Sarah A PAYNE
Birth: 1819, Indiana
Death: 31 Jan 1894, Wash Co, IN- age 75
Father: Jeremiah Payne (1769-1861)
Mother: Sarah McCoy (1779-1851)

     CHILDREN: Ambrose and Sarah had the following nine children:
06----LOUISA A GARRIOTT [b. 30 Aug 1837, Wash Co, IN; d. 16 Dec 1855- age 18];
06----WILLIAM H (or N) GARRIOTT [b. 25 Oct 1841, Harristown, Wash Co, IN; d. 3 Aug 1902, Canton, IN: Bk H3/7- age 61]-- see Executor's Deed below;
06----JAMES ASBURY GARRIOTT [b. 1845, listed below];

06----MARY ELIZABETH GARRIOTT [b. 1847, listed below];
06----SARAH R GARRIOTT [b. 8 Aug 1848; d. 6 Jun 1864- age 15- from family bible- age 15] not listed as heir of father;

06----LOUISA ANN GARRIOTT [d. 16 Dec 1855- from family bible] not listed as heir of father;
06----JACOB LEWIS GARRIOTT [b. 1850, listed below];
06----JEREMIAH WOODFORD GARRIOTT [b. 1854, listed below]; and

06----AMANDA ELIZABETH GARRIOTT [b. 22 Dec 1857; d. 28 Dec 1920- age 64- from family bible, bur. Crown Hill Cemetery], m.
Francis Marion STALKER [b. 31 Jul 1833; d. 8 Sep 1911- age 78, bur. Crown Hill Cemetery], the son of Eli Stalker (1798-1881) and Parthena Caress (1807-1894), on 28 Oct 1903, Harristown, Wash Co, IN: Bk M/211, his 2nd wife.

     BIOGRAPHY: Ambrose Asbury Garriott, son of William G and Rebecca Vaughn, was born in either Kentucky or Indiana on 25 Feb 1816. He married Sarah Payne in Wash Co. on 29 Dec 1836. Ambrose was a farmer and an influential member of the United Brethren church who preached often. 39 Since there was no United Brethren church building in the neighborhood, frequent services were held on Ambrose's farm near Harristown.

     1838 LAND PURCHASED: [Government Land Office Doc# 10386, pg 347, dated 1 Aug 1838, Jeffersonville, IN] Ambrose Asbury Garriott purchased 40 acres [NE4 NW4 Section 35 T3N R5E] in Wash Co, IN, by Martin Van Buren, President.
     1853 FAMILY FARM PURCHASED: [Wash Co, IN Deed Bk Y/235, dated 21 Mar 1853] Ambrose purchased the family [03-Ambrose] farm of 147 acres for $1,500 from his father, William "Billie" G Garriott, just a few days prior to Billie's death.

     1863 RAID: During the Civil War John Hunt Morgan and his Confederate raiders took horses from the Ambrose Garriott farm.

     1894 DEATH: Ambrose fell asleep under a tree and contracted a cold, together with the lingering effects of the grip, was the cause of death. Ambrose Asbury was wrapped for burial at Spurgeon Hill on 31 Jul 1894 and was buried in Canton Cemetery in Canton, IN.

     1900 FAMILY FARM DEEDED: [Wash Co, IN Deed Book M3/142, dated 25 Oct 1800], Consideration of $4,200, recorded 1 Nov 1900. Affidavit of Jacob L Garriott, son of Ambrose A Garriott:
    Jacob L Garriott, first being duly sworn, upon his oath says, that he resides at Norris, in Washington County, Indiana; that he is a son of Ambrose A Garriott, deceased; that said Ambrose A Garriott died intestate in said county, on the 30th day of July, 1894; that the sole and only heirs of said decedent at the time of his death were, ,
--William H Garriott,
--James A Garriott,
--Jeremiah W Garriott,
--Amanda E Garriott.....
--and this affiant [Jacob L Garriott],
.......all of whom were children of his.
     And affiant further says that said heirs, together with Julia Garriott, the wife of this affiant, and Sallie V Garriott, the wife of said James A Garriott, are the grantors in a deed executed by them to Joseph W Elrod of Said county, on the 25th day of October, 1900, conveying to said Elrod the following described real estate in said county and state, to-wit: The north west quarter of section twenty four, township two north, range four east [NW4 Section 24 T2N R4E].
     Said deed being recorded in Deed Book, M-3, at page 142, in the office of the recorder of said county. And affiant further says that at the time of the execution of said deed, said William H Garriott, Amanda F Garriott and Jeremiah W Garriott were each unmarried, and each were more that twenty one years of age......
[signed] Jacob L Garriott
     Signed and sworn to before me this 1st day of April, 1921?, Walter G Mead (sic)

    1901 EXECUTOR'S DEED: [Wash Co, IN Will Record Book G, dated 23 Mar 1901] Henry C Dawalt, Executor of the last will and testament of Daniel Dawalt, deceased, by authority of said will of Daniel Dawalt, deceased and being found recorded in Will Record Book G of the Clerk's office of Washington County, State of Indiana, convey to William H Garriott of Washington County, State of Indiana for the sum of Seventeen Hundred Thirty ($1730) Dollars, the following described real estate situate in Washington County, State of Indiana, to-wit: The North-west quarter of Section (6) Town (2) North, Range (5) East. [NW4 S6 T2N R5E]
     Also Twenty square rods in the South-west quarter of the aforesaid Section, Town and Range, and described as follows, Beginning (73) rods East from the South-west corner of the North-west quarter of said Section (6): thence South (4) rods:  thence East (5) rods: thence North (4) rods: thence West (5) rods to the place of beginning, containing in both tracts one hundred thirty acres more or less.
     [This document was from a typewriter and carried two internal revenue stamps. It did not have reference to a Deed Book in Washington County. This may not be the correct William H Garriott, but no other springs to mind, considering this transaction takes place mere months before William's death]

     1860 Wash Co, IN census: 
has (all b. IN) Ambrose A Garriott 44, Farmer w/ $4,000 RE; Sarah Garriott 42; William H Garriott 19, F B; Mary E Garriott 17; James A Garriott 15, F B; Sarah R Garriott 13; Jacob L Garriott 11; Jeremiah W Garriott 9; and Amanda E Garriott 3.
     1870 Wash Co, IN census: 
has (all b. IN) Ambrose Garriott 54, Farmer w/ $12,000 RE; Sarah Garriott 52, Keeping House; James A Garriott 25, Farm Laborer; Jacob L Garriott 19, Farm Laborer; Jeremiah W Garriott 15, Farm Laborer; and Amanda C Garriott 12.
     1880 Wash Co, IN census:
 has (all b. IN) A Asbury Garriott 64, Farmer; Sarah Garriott 62, Keeping House; Jacob L Garriott 29, Huckster; Jeremiah W Garriott 25, Farm Laborer; and Amanda E Garriott 22.
    Next door is James A Garriott 33, and Sallie V Garriott 27.
     1910 Wash Co, IN census: has (both b. IN) Francis M Stalker 76, Own Income; and Lizzie Stalker 22 (52?).